FAQs - Employers
Q: I am not a member of HRPA, can I post a job on the Hire Authority job board?
A: Yes! You do not need to be a member of HRPA to post a position on HireAuthority.ca. To post a job, employers must first Create an Account.
Q: What is the cost to post a job on Hire Authority?
A: Please visit the pricing page on Hire Authority for posting rates.
Q: Are there preferred rates for HRPA members to post a job?
A: Yes. To access the job posting member rates please visit our member benefits page here, and sign in with your HRPA member details. Discount codes to be applied at checkout.
Q: What is included in my job posting on Hire Authority?
• 60 day job posting - standard
• Employer Logo – standard
• Each post will be tweeted from @HireAuthorityCA
• Help desk access
• New - Effective April 28, 2021, Hire Authority Jobs will be featured in their own Hire Authority Careers email to be issued weekly on Wednesdays to HRPA members and students.
This feature will allow us to highlight your job opportunity to a highly targeted audience of HR Professionals.
The Hire Authority careers email will feature all new jobs posted on HireAuthority.ca from the previous week. All jobs will be featured once.
Q: Technical Difficulty with Links:
A: The Hire Authority website does not support Internet Explorer 8 or previous versions on Windows XP, and Internet Explorer 9 or previous versions on Windows Vista.
In order to access the Hire Authority job postings, you would need to update your internet browser.
Need technical help?
Email: contactus@hireauthority.ca
Phone: Toll free 1-800-387-1311 or 416.923.2324 x 7309